    Yoshinken 20 Year Jubilee Gasshuku, Stockholm, 27-28 August 2022



The last weekend in August 2022 was the first training weekend of the season.

The weather forecast promised 23+ degrees and no rain. On Saturday, this forecast came true, which was nice.

We all met around 09:45 near the training ground and we were all very excited to see Sensei Marshall again. It had been too long since we last met.

Training began with Ritsu Zen.Sensei had us stand in Ritsu Zen for about an hour and half, and challenged us to keep good form (in Ritsu Zen). After Ritsu Zen we continued with Yuri.

After the first training session, it was time for lunch. We were supposed to meet at the lovely restaurant Fågelboet. The food was, as usual, very good. The atmosphere was excellent so lunch took a little longer than expected.

After lunch we gathered in OKK's Dojo. It was nice to be back in the dojo again. The temperature in the dojo reminded me of a hot summer day in Tokyo.

We started with Ritsu Zen and then it was time for Tanshu. Sensei Marshall wanted to challenge us Yoshiken kenpo ka through a Tanshu that lasted 30 minutes. It took a lot of energy, focus and sweat.

After Tanshu, we were asked to stand in Ritsu Zen again. A very interesting feeling to stand in Ritsu Zen after such a tough training.

The next part of the training was very relaxing for most of us (we acted as spectators), as Sensei Åke, Andreas, Lennart and Esko had to fight each other using weapons that were placed on the floor. This Kumite was not only about technique, but also about creativity (and there was, I can assure you).

After the training, Sensei Marshall shared his thoughts on our performance in Tanshu. This will result in very focused training this season.

After training, it was time for food!

We all went to Sensei Åke's home and had a barbecue. The barbecue was delicious. After dinner we were notified it was graduation time again in Yoshinken. It has been many years since someone graduated.Lennart Eliasson was graded to Mokuroku Sandan and Kent Wallermo to Okuiri Shodan. Congratulations.

Later this evening, Sensei Åke showed pictures of 20 year Yoshinken. This really brought back great memories.

After this walk down "memory lane" we all went home for a good night's rest.







After a proper briefing on Saturday, which was really demanding but instructive, we met again in Haga for new challenges on Sunday.

We started with Ritsu zen and I got a good tip from Sensei Marshall about not having such a high position for my arms. It helped a lot. Sensei Marshall went around inspiring/instructing about Ritsu zen.

After a longer Ritsu Zen, we got together and were asked to comment on how we experienced yesterday. It provided a lot of insight and it was interesting to hear everyone's comments. Many were the views on the Tanshu we carried out on Saturday. It turned out that we had been practicing Tanshu for more than thirty minutes which was quite an achievement as it usually lasts for ten or fifteen minutes.

Many also experienced the fighting moment at the end as fun and developing, with many surprises and alternative ways to face the opponent.

Then we got to see several Katas that Sensei Åke and Sensei Andreas had prepared. They were performed with and without weapons with great rigor and great variety. Weapons used were both Jo and Bokken. It gave a lot of thoughts and ideas and was impressive to see

Two and a half years ago, Sensei Åke, Esko and Andreas got a project together with Sensei Marshall to produce one or two Kobudo Katas for Yoshinken. Kata that must contain a weapon element and an element with empty hands. The Kata must be performed with a weapon within the Yoshinken, and contain the Yoshinken's five principles and also be named.

Sensei Marshall and Sensei Åke left training at lunch as Sensei Marshall had a flight to catch.

After lunch, Monica continued the training and went through various exercises from themes that have been used at various summer camps in a number of previous years. Balance exercises on imaginary barrels (a limited circle), movement exercises and an exercise that Sensei Jan Kallenbach had introduced. You had to sit in Seiza and empty your mind after which the training partner dropped a short stick above the head in front of the face. The task was to catch the stick in the air before it hit the ground. It went decently if you were relaxed but still concentrated.

Afterwards, Sensei Andreas had an interesting and fun session. We started from circles in three different planes and looked for applications with different techniques. We also studied each other's Neri, made note of what we saw and selected some detail that we tried ourselves.

We completed a few more exercises and then ended a truly developing and content-rich weekend. For me, it was really nice to see Marshall again. We had not seen each other for more than forty years and he is a Budoka and Sensei of an amazing kind. It was an honor to train with him again.


