    Seminar and practice photos, Stockholm, 20 May 2023


Saturday 20th of May

Almost the entire Yoshinken group was attending this awaited Keiko with Sensei Marshall.

It was a memorabel training in the beautiful surroundings of the Haga Park. Theme of the day was ”Intention”, which spread through the hole day. Before the training begun everyone had to account for their plans and goals for todays Ritsu Zen. We all had quite different answers, but they were leading in the same direction.

During Ritsu Zen, and also Yuri, Sensei both challenged and supported us. A thorough study of Hachi Dan Gin led to a new meaning in the performance of the kata.

After having lunch at the Copper Tent, we moved on to the OKK Dojo. Sensei once again tested our Ritsu Zen. Did we remember anything from the previous training session? Sometimes you need time to let the information sink in… Yuri and Neri was practised, both with and without partner, in many different and also in some new ways. Tempo an spirit was quite high which was a good basis for the Tanshu that concluded the Keiko.




We congratulate Sensei Åke, who has now officially, from Japan, been promoted to Kyoshi! The evening was spent at the Thai restaurant ”AnMari”. Very teasty, but a little too strong maybe…

Sensei Marshall, we are all very grateful that you, in spite of your illness, came to Stockholm and with enthusiasm guided us. I hope we meet soon again!

Domo arigato,
