    Seminar, Stockholm, 4-5 June 2016


A seminar with Sensei Marshall with training in basic techniques that never becomes tedious when coupled with advanced empty hand training and weapons training. The pieces are still falling into place and understanding of all exercisers at all levels moving forward.

This is a form you wish for all Budo training but requiring a very high standard of the exercising Sensei to get understanding and combine techniques with the "mind" and body movements.

Nice to have Sensei Filip Orlow with us in Stockholm this weekend. We always have a good exchange and think it's great when Gothenburg is present.

Monica Ritzler graded to Dan Sensei 3 in Yoshinken after many years loyal training and with a great understanding for Yoshinken and Budo. Monika have a Shodan grade in two classic forms of Budo, Goju-Ryu and Jujutsu and is former European champion in Jujutsu. That is what makes Monica a Budo Sensei without doubt.


Weapons is trained in a free form in Yoshinken and puts great pressure on us as the focus must be on an extremely high level. No one may relax for a second during this training while in high speed towards live unprotected target.

Saturday nigh everyone were invited to a BBQ at Walls family garden. Åke's wife Berit had prepared everything so it was just to set fire to the grill when we arrived.

To my joy everyone was present, it is part of Yoshinken to meet, have fun and have a bite and a drink together.


Thank you all for a great weekend
