Shin-Shin-Bu-Ken celebrated its 40th anniversary by inviting some 80 Budokas from different parts of Europe and from various Budo arts.
It took me 20 minutes say hello to all old friends that I only see once a year and have so much fun training with.
It was a great pleasure to meet Jacque Legree Shihan in the dressing room as first person, Sensei Jacques was in a condition that he could follow the training and I had the pleasure to train with him although Sensei Bert was there unfortunately not in a so good condition but it was nice to see him. Two Taikiken Sensei that I for so many years been glad to have trained with and now have trouble with illness.
Kyoshi Jan Kallenbach had the first presentation and explained Taikiken from a general perspective that is always useful and with clarity that all Arts have an understanding of movement and how to use effectively your body and force This is what we train in Taikiken but I think it was received in a good way of both those who practice Karate-Do and Jodo. Clear, simple, soft and powerful all of Sawai Sensei meaning.
Pascal Krieger, Menkyo Kaiden, had 2 presentations plus that he had a short presentation in calligraphy where he also is a master.
We were all impressed by the precision and movement in Sensei Krieger's presentation. He showed us that his technique in Jodo is similar to our masters moving in Taikiken with a movement that is performed just with a person that have a long training behind but also those who have an understanding of what this can achieve.
With him was Fred Quant Menkuo Kaiden, a former Karate student of Sensei Kallenbach & Marshall but now concentrated on Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo. I have been practicing a little Kobudo as Sensei Marshall brought into Yoshinken from Donn Draeger Sensei, I guess that what we saw is the absolute best of its kind. Exceptional power and beauty of their techniques.
I know that all presentations were of Sensei in Budo absolute top in the world so we from Yoshinken were glad that we got to see this. Sensei Krieger put everything in place when all movements are related in the same way as the movements we practice in Yoshinken with the same explanation, but ours without weapons.
It is here that after over 40 years of contact with Budo, I see that I have a good understanding and that there is so much to learn.
Sensei Krieger concluded by saying that no cut or movement is perfect and if it were so, it’s too bad because then you are finished with Budo, compared with Sensei Marshall's words, " May the search never end "
Shihan Michael Söderkvist explained in an excellent way together with Sensei Rob Quant and Sensei Lars Sjöberg from Oyama Karate Kai the inner meaning of Kyokushinkai using a part of Seienchin Kata in Bunkai.
It's not easy with Bunkai in many of the Karate katas as it is a composition of Kihon techniques, and they are not always applicable in its basic form but requires a certain amount of Kuzure to function properly.
Now, the floor was covered with Yudansha from just Kyokushinkai when there is a shared history with Taikiken since the 1950’s and those who had not Karate background also went into the techniques with great spirit, but that is so with those Budokas. Great people.
Kyoshi Marshall told the purpose of training can take a turn when confronted with illness and also have to fight against an invisible opponent and adapt the training to a possible level.
Clearly a message not to give up the art but to customize the form of training that is not always about defeating an opponent with power, but to learn to see meaning of the art associated with calligraphy, bamboo painting, etc. masters looks and practice when brought to a high level I it´s art.
There were nice presents from Europe's Dojos to Shinbuken, and I said to Jan Kallenbach Sensei in my speech that he presented this Gashuku as an experiment with several invited Arts to train together and that if you choose Budo Sensei of absolute world class, as he himself, Sensei Marshall, Sensei Krieger and Sensei Michael the risk is minimal that it will not be a good Gashuku, all Sensei could with their presentations explain the meaning of his art in a good way and not just techniques training that you do for an hour in life and never more.
The Yoshinken Budokas went home with a great feeling; we met old friends and gained new ones, all skilled in martial arts.
We Thank Sensei Jan Kallenbach and the organization of Shinbuken for a nice Gashuku and weekend.
Domo Arigato