    Seminar and practice photos, Stockholm, 28 September 2019


We all had looked forward to meet with Sensei Marshall again.

Due to rain, the morning class on Saturday was held in the Echo Temple. Everyone got the chance to ask Sensei questions concerning training.

Among the topics were Kamae, Hai and breathing. As usual Sensei gave us detailed answers both verbal and by demonstration. This indicates how complex our art is.

After lunch we continued training at OKK Dojo. The experience from Ritsu Zen/Han Zen was transferred into Randori.




On Sunday Sensei Andreas guided us from Ritsu Zen, Yuri, Hai and Neri with both small and big movements. Sensei Esko turned it round and started with Neri and ended with Ritsu Zen.

The last session was held by Sensei Åke. With Bokken we demonstrated our current standard and knowledge of the weapon to Sensei Marshall. Finally we did a Tanshu with Jo.


Domo Arigato Sensei,