    Shingo Ohgami Hachidan Shihan Wadokai has left us, 11 October 2019


Today, October 11, we are informed by the sad news that Shihan Shingo Ohgami has left us. Shihan Shingo has since 1969 been a profile within Wadokai / Budo in Sweden.

Yoshinken honors a great Budoka and good friend of Sensei Marshall by sending our thoughts to Shihan Shingo during the Ritsuzen training in the Haga Park Echo Temple.


Marshall McDonagh,

Kyoshi Nanadan Yoshinken/Taikiken


Åke Wall,

Renshi Godan Yoshinken



Mr. Ohgami was born in Japan 1941 where he trained Karate at Tokyo University Karate Club 1960-1965 under the founder of Wadoryu Karate, Hironori Ohtsuka.

1969 he came to Sweden as a guest researcher in chemistry, but quitted chemistry in 1972 and since then he has been engaged in Karate.

Shingo Ohgami (8th Dan Wadokai, graded in 2009) was the chief instructor of Swedish Karatedo Wadokai and chief instructor of Karateklubb Samurai-dojo in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Shingo Ohgami was a member of the Japanese Budo Academy.

* Iaido (6th Dan Mugairyu)

* Jodo (5th Dan Shindo Musoryu)

* Taichi Chuan since 1973




Shihan Shingo Ohgami


Katori Shinto group from Japan with Kyoshi Donn Draeger after a demonstration at Solna sporthall, June 1980. Shingo Ohgami with me on the left side.