We from Yoshinken Stockholm asked for the possibility to visit and watch the training at Shinto Muso-ryu Jodos summer camp on Bosön and were invited by Sensei Michael Söderkvist to come and watch an Embu with participants from all over Europe.
It was for me, Monica Ritzler and Esko Karialainen nice to see Sensei Pascal Krieger in Embu, a Budosensei that is very much appreciated by us in Yoshinken.
Jo is a part of the Ko-Budo we train in Yoshinken and Sensei Krieger and Sensei Marshall trained Jo together for Sensei Donn Draeger in the 1970s.
I had the pleasure to meet and train with this fantastic Budo Sensei in a group with Sensei Jacques Legree and Sensei Fred Quant on Shinbukens 40 anniversary last year in Holland. |
All participates in training of other arts, dedicated, curious and with joy. In this case, a pass in Kyokushinkai led by Sensei Michael Söderkvist.
It was great to see the Embu and really good Kihon techniques from several Budokas. The camp brought together over 100 participants, and it is always nice to see viable Budo with skilled people in Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo.
If there are viable Budo arts, there are always talented and dedicated leaders.
Yoshinken thank Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo for the possibility to see this Embu.
Domo arigato
Åke |